Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Jubilee Celebration at the Motherhouse

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Sunday, October 25th, was a special day for our Motherhouse community. It was the celebration of the Silver Jubilee of Sister Marie So-Wha, Assistant General. It has been our tradition to invite our Italian sisters to be part of our celebration. We were happy that as there was no strict lockdown, this was possible also this year. Among our Italian sisters there are also two jubilarians: Sister Maria Giuliana is celebrating her Iron jubilee, and Sister Maria Letizia her Diamond jubilee.  At the motherhouse we celebrated with a beautiful liturgy at which the jubilarians renewed their vows.  This was followed by a festive dinner.

The jubilarians received a small gift from the community, and the program after the meal included songs and dances from around the world. We had songs in Italian, Korean, and Indonesian, and dances by our Brazilian sisters and our Indian sisters. A joyful and energetic presentation of an English song with gestures by an international group of our young sisters concluded the program.

Sister Maria Giuliana was not able to join the celebration due to poor health, so a week later the entire general administration visited sister at the residence of our Italian sisters.

During the afternoon many memories were shared and all experienced the joy of being together.

The three jubilarians are deeply touched by the many beautiful messages of appreciation and gratitude and promises of prayer they have received from throughout the whole Congregation.

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